Personal & Professional Development

Grow as a leader without breaking the bank! Develop the “soft skills” that have become more important than traditional leadership methods in today’s professional environment. Contact us for a free personal leadership evaluation and develop a custom leadership development curriculum that fits both your busy life and budget.

Transitioning to Leadership

Learn how to make the leap from individual contributor to leader, and transition that ruins many exceptional employees.

Servant Leadership

Learn why command-and-control leadership is dead, and how to more effectively lead by serving your employees.

Emotional Intelligence

Learn how to increase your emotional intelligence, and why your EQ brings more value to your business than your IQ.

Work-Life Interface

Learn why you should not strive for work-life balance, but rather a personal life that is enriched by your profession and vice-versa.

Engineering Leadership

Learn how to navigate the unique challenge of guiding technical staff to understand greater business concepts and effectively communicate with non-technical colleagues and customers.